Triclopyr is in the pyridine carboxylic acid family, with a synthetic auxin mode of action leading to abnormal growth, particularly at the apical points, and eventual death. It is a broadleafed and woody plant-selective herbicide with some sensitivity to warm-season grasses, including kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum). It is effective on many legume species. Registered commercial products are available in amine and ester formulations. Amine formulations are best for water-carrier applications (i.e., foliar and cut injection). Ester-based formulations are more compatible with oil carriers in basal bark and cut-surface applications. Drift injury from foliar applications may be more prevalent with the ester formula- tions due to the higher potential for volatilization. Registered products include Garlon® 3A (amine at 3 lbs ae/gal, EPA reg. no. 62719-37), Garlon® 4 Ultra (ester at 4 lbs ae/gal, EPA reg. no. 62719-527), Remedy® Ultra (ester at 4 lbs ae/gal, EPA reg. no. 62719-70, Renovate 3 (amine at 3 lbs ai/gal, EPA reg no. 62719-37-67690), Element 4 (ester at 4 lbs ae/gal, EPA reg. no. 62719-040).
Herbicide Details
Chemical Formula
Trade Names
Use Against Natural Area Weeds
Mode of Action
Dissipation Mechanisms
Microbial Degradation
Chemical Decomposition
Behavior in the Environment
Environmental Toxicity
Birds and Mammals
Aquatic Species
Other Non-Target Organisms
Application Considerations
Application Under Unusal Conditions
Safety Measures
Human Toxicology