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UH Ecosystems Work is a Cooperative Extension Program that provides evidence-based problem solving and best practices so conservation and watershed workers can effectively maintain and restore thriving ecosystems and landscapes in Hawaiʻi.



The efforts of UH Ecosystems Work are geared toward realizing the following goals:

Connection to ʻĀina. Communities share a deep sense of kuleana for Hawaiiʻs landscapes. They have an understanding of, vision for, and means of contributing to thriving landscapes and ecosystems.


Support for ʻĀina Stewardship Professionals. Conservation and watershed workers have adequate training and career opportunities


Thriving ʻĀina. Conservation and restoration efforts are effective, evidence-based, and targeting clear objectives


Knowledge Sharing. Conservation and watershed stewards’ knowledge, needs, and practices are identified and communicated among each other, researchers, and boundary organizations.

Recent Highlights


2024 Hawai'i Conservation Conference Early Bird Registration Deadline
- May 31 2024 -

HCC 2024–ʻAuamo Kuleana – Amplifying Strength Through Balance ​is coming up fast! This year’s conference will be held July 31st through August 2nd at the Hawaiʻi Convention Center. Single-day, as well as three-day passes are available. If you are planning to attend, be sure to register by May 31st to catch that early-bird discount! In addition, there are support options for small non-profits and K-12 educators, see the HCC website for more information! Looking forward to seeing you there!

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