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2024 Hawaiʻi Island Weed Control and Restoration Forum
In October 2024, the Hawaiʻi Island resource management community came together in Volcano over two days to reconnect after a five year hiatus of the annual Big Island Natural Areas Weed Control Forum. The forum featured a mix of prepared talks by researchers and managers, as well as interactive sessions to encourage discussion and seed future collaboration and planning.
The Native Seed Strategy Forum – HCC 2024
Expanding on conversations at the 2023 HCC and the input from the Native Plant Material Survey, this forum explored building capacity to meet the “need for seed” through presentations, breakout discussions, and a panel representing a variety of partners in any “plant pipeline”.
Conversations on Climate-Change Resilient Restoration Strategies – HCC 2024
Climate change and restoration are intricately linked. Changing climatic baselines as well as Extreme Climate Events can impact the success of a restoration project. Yet many managers face implementation barriers, such as funding and capacity, even when there are known strategies to support climate change-resilient restoration. We invited managers to engage in a strategy development discussion to address what it would take to overcome implementation barriers. See what they had to say!
CRB in Natural Areas Forum
The Priority Oʻahu Native Ecosystems (Priority ONE) Working Group, a group of Oʻahu-based NRM programs focused on collaborative problem solving and knowledge exchanges held a forum to discuss managers experiences with CRB in Natural Areas. Joined by the CRB Response, they explored questions of distribution, habitat quality, and management strategies in natural areas (i.e., not urban or agricultural).
Discussions Around Disturbance Ready Restoration
At the 2023 Pacific Entomological and Botanical Meeting, we collaborated with some manager/researcher colleagues with the National Tropical Botanical Garden (NTBG) and Pacific Regional Invasive Species and Climate Change Management Network (Pacific RISCC) to lead a discussion around sharing and developing disaster ready restoration practices in the face of shifting Extreme Climate Event regimes, such as hurricane winds and flooding, wildfire and drought.
2023 Oʻahu Weed Management & Restoration Workshop
The annual Weed Management and Restoration Workshop was back in-person this year! Folks from all over the state gathered in Kaneʻohe to explore the development of weed management and restoration knowledge, assess current resources for communicating management practices, share updates on tools and technologies, community engagement and outreach, and talk-story during the ever-popular tool-tailgate! Mahalo all for making this workshop a great success.
Revitalizing Weed Workshops
UH Ecosystems Work program organized a forum at the 2023 Hawai'i Conservation Conference to gauge interest in bringing back spaces fro practitioners to address weed and restoration related issues. Breakout groups discussed what they would like to see for meetings in their county and some of the challenges to work through when bringing groups of people together.
Extension Needs-Finding Process
As a new Extension program, UH Ecosystems Work has undertaken a needs-finding process that includes formal and informal methods for understanding how we can best serve the Hawaiʻi conservation community.
2022 Oʻahu Weed Management & Restoration Workshop
In May of 2022, the Oʻahu Weed Management Group hosted their annual Weed Management and Restoration Workshop. It included presentations and virtual site visits from 15 programs as well as breakout discussions on the "Weed Spreadsheet" and on community engagement.
The Need For Seed Forum
UH Ecosystems Work program organized a forum at the 2023 Hawai'i Conservation Conference that asked attendees to identify the requirements and bottlenecks for native seed provisioning and plant production from the perspectives of Seed Collectors, Plant Producers and Plant Users.